Saturday, July 18, 2009


What does forgiveness mean?
Quite a question..........................
A lot of us think its a license to repeat the mistakes (knowingly or unknowingly). Still another lot thinks its not pointing towards mistakes and just overseeing the facts.

Yet again there's this lot of people who think forgiveness (whether asking to be forgiven or to forgive someone) is a sign of weakness. How absurd? I'm no Mahatma Gandhi or Gautam Budhha, but I mean its too very difficult to forgive someone who's hurt you- all the pain which comes as a parcel of it, even more difficult is to accept and live with one's own mistakes. Its a raging war between your heart and mind. A War against the external world can be easily fought, because you either lose or you win. But in an internal war you lose both ways- its either your heart or your brain which gains victory over the other; and both belong to you, so you are bound to lose either ways. To lose and yet remain happy is one of the bravest tasks one can ever accomplish.

A lot of people around us say "Forget and Forgive" without even realizing its meaning. My concept of the so called "Forget and Forgive" says- if someone "forgets" then the person forgets the hurt you've caused to that person-BUT definitely its not the mistake that you've done. And if someone "forgives" you, then its again for the pain you've given to that person. BUT never the miistake.