Tuesday, March 16, 2010


One fine day I received a forwarded message which read “Everything in life is pre-written and nothing can be re-written. So live your best”. While agree with the latter part, I do have qualms about accepting the former. Does it mean we got to flow with the flow of life?
I have magnanimously believed all through my life that Destiny happens by choice and not by chance. We are alive by chance; but need to lead a life by choice and not be the victim of whimsical persecutions of another person (a fellow human being or even for that matter “God”).
If the lines on the palm were to predict one’s future then those born without hands wouldn’t have a future.
The primitive humans invented a sailboat to travel in the direction of wind and the flow of water, as civilization advanced the civilized humans attached another sail on the same boat to travel in any direction downwind or upwind. As real mature and mighty humans we need to re-write our destinies and not live by the basic pre-written versions of it. If not for this determination then we wouldn’t have found a great scientist like Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam nor would we have got a great bollywood icon like Amitabh Bacchan.